Sonja Gregorowicz
You might remember me as the Polish girl with dreadlocks at Lee. Growing up my dad's best friend was from the Caribbean and so I was raised on the smooth sounds of reggae and ska. I was also known to be really into punk/alt/indie and what I kept referring to as "math rock" back then. You might have remembered me for raising money for local charities when I organized and promoted local rock concerts and also for organizing a protest of the war in Iraq.

Anyways, I decided I really liked chemistry a lot in my junior year of HS at Lee in Mr. Palamas class. After finishing my chemical engineering degree at The Univ.of AL, I moved to Chicago to start an engineering career. I've been traveling extensively with my company, Honeywell, where I am sent across the world as a foreign expert to inspect the construction and then start-up chemical plants to ensure that these are built as promised and will work. I've been fortunate enough to visit many countries for work and for leisure including Italy, Iceland, India, Korea, Taiwan, and Vietnam among others. I enjoy sailing for fun, which was a hobby I practiced each summer as a kid at Lake Jordan. I'm still a fan of music as you might remember. I'm much more into spirituality and Buddhism today.

I'm not sure if I will be in the U.S. during the reunion, but I'd love to reconnect and hear from some of you.
Visit me at:
(800) 965-9020
Fax: (954) 241-5054
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